Saturday, April 16, 2011


SAKURAMATSURI is very fun because this had Japanese culture. SAKURAMATSURi is Japanese festival. For example, taiko ,soranbusi ,sanshin, karaoke.

This is Japanese culture. People could buy a lot of Japanese food. They could eat takoyaki and mochi. They served Japanese food there.
 Takoyaki's has all kinds of ingredients in it. For example, wheat flour, octoupus and green onion.

  This is a good idea because Japanese food and American food are different.  Japanese people want to widen Japanese culture. Japanese culture isn’t the same  as American culture so people think students will find it very interesting.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I danced soranbushi.
    So, I danced soranbushi.
    Thank you so much.
